
Dining Out

We don't dine out all that often, usually about once a week, maybe more if we are traveling.  With food allergies, dining out can be a little difficult.  It is immensely helpful when the restaurant publishes the food allergens in their dishes online!  Some restaurants that don't post them say the waitstaff can help you.  It has been our experience that most of the waitstaff are not knowledgeable enough on the dishes ingredients or what kind of ingredients actually contain allergens.  For example, we have found that most waitstaff are unaware that mayonnaise contains egg.

We had a particularly good experience dining out recently while traveling so I decided to start a list of allergy-friendly restaurants.  By allergy-friendly, I mostly mean that publish their food ingredients and/or allergens so we can make educated dining choices, without having to depend on the knowledge our waitstaff may or may not have.  Please help me add to this list, by sending in your favorites!   

Chipotle Mexican Grill
Red Lobster
Uno Chicago Grill


  1. Red Lobster has an allergen menu and we have had great success there

    1. I am featuring Red Lobster on my blog tomorrow. Thank you so much for the tip. I think we will be dining there soon! Lots of options (and healthy ones at that)!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the informative post! I found some good information on egg allergies at I have a 3yr old with egg and peanut allergies along with eczema. All this great information has help the bride and I out a lot.

    1. I am so glad you find this blog helpful!

  4. Red Robin has an allergen feature in their customizer hub on their website which is fantastic.
    I have also found that smaller local restaurants are great, because the staff are willing to check with the kitchen or have the chef come talk with us.

    1. Thank you for the great tips! I need to add more to this page!
